Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Santa Teresita: Getting the Garden Started

On Monday evening, I spent just over an hour with a group of residents at Santa Teresita. I had met with them in January and found out that their main concern was how late of a start they got last year. The gardens were built last July, well into the growing season, and they wanted to make sure they were well prepared this season.

We had two main objectives to accomplish during our meeting.

The first was to prepare the soil in the garden beds so they can start planting outdoors as soon as possible. This consisted mainly of removing the dead vegetation that had been left during the winter and working in a little compost. (I forgot to bring the camera outside so I unfortunately did not take any pictures of this).

The second was to start some seeds indoors. We planted two types of lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower that will be transplanted into the garden in early spring. We also started some tomato and three types of peppers that will spend the next three months growing inside the community room. I wish we could have started much more indoors, but with limited resources at my disposal we had to start just a few crops.

We talked about the process of germinating seeds and caring for the seedlings, and the residents all agreed to consistently check in on the situation. I will also be checking in occasionally to document the progress. We will meet again towards the end of March to direct-sow some cold-hardy crops in the garden (Green Onion, Arugula, Spinach, Chard, and Peas).

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